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    What is a SoundLomi?

    The story of the SoundLomi can only be told with my own. The story of Karina. A living story of singing, sound healing and physicality, that sort of happened along my life. I always loved singing but the sounds, that are talked about here, have inspired me the last couple of years and connected me with human souls where I had the feeling that this sound healing encounters could be an undesigned and touching one too. People sometimes ask me if one is touched or massaged in the sound healing process. However it only fulfills a „concert for the body“ (thanks to the words of Elisabeth) without any human touch. Essentially we meet in a room full of sounds and the human experience is vital. 

    In the last years I more and more had the wish to work with my hands on the giving and touching realms. There is a good friend, who is a masseur himself who inspired me, thanks to Ricardo at this point, who was very helpful in enjoying the Lomi Lomi Nui´s for hours on end during my training and who encouraged me to go further into it. There is the need to thank Gabriele Mariell Kiebgis as well who led me dearly into the subject of human touch and sparked a fire and showed me what hands are capable of.  

    Special thanks to all the men and women, friends, relatives, lovers, the sad, the desperate, the curious and many more that agreed on opening up to training sessions and to my hands. And now I am here and ask myself where the journey will lead me.


    This year I tried to find words for what I offer; for this bodywork, the sounds, the singing. One could tell more about Hawaii and how this work with the human body emerged. Martina Feuersinger, thanks to her at this point as well, the woman fully lives Lomi; in sharing the love for Hawaii and its ALOHA SPIRIT and who teaches the WHY and HOW of this special work of the Hawaiian kahunas. 

    One beautiful Sunday, Ricardo asked me for another Lomi. That time I felt like connecting the Lomi work with the sounds of the monochord. During the process my personal thoughts disappear and I concentrate on my feeling, my hands and the human being that is in front of me.



    In the spur of the moment something came up:


    „What is it for you actually Karina,

    this Lomi thing, the sounds,

    the special world of the body?“


    I started to be aware what it feels like: 


    „It is a loving contact, a loving touch,

    a longing, slow, quiet, steady, free flowing“


    Little later, during a walk this idea came up to call it SoundLomi. The soundhealing connection that truely is undesigned touch and deserves the meaning that it asks for with the holy backgrounds of Hawaii. With overflowing gratitude came a name, a label, that has more to give because only months beforehand a gift of Hawaii reached out to me. A daughter sent the present of a soundhealing session to her mother for mothersday here in Austria.


    She stated:

    Where I live now (Hawaii)

    soundhealing is a part of the local culture

    and traditions and that is

    what I wish for my mother as well.

    So the circle of experiences

    and power of liveliness meet in the end. 

    See yourself!


    Mahalo! Karina

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