What is a soundhealing massage?
A soundhealing massage means that the body comes into contact with sound frequencies. Soundhealing not only works over the ears like music, but during the massage, an instrument is played directly on the body itself, so that the bones and the organs are made to swing directly. The effects of this holistic concept described are mainly based on high-quality stringed instruments whose vibration behavior has a harmonizing effect on humans.
A soundhealing massage is superior to many other relaxation methods in one key point, it also brings people into a state of relaxation that would otherwise have difficulties to let go. The intense vibrations spread harmoniously to each body cell without the person receiving the massage having to do anything for it. The more frequently a person comes into contact with the vibrations of the instruments, the easier it is to get into this wonderful state between sleep and waking consciousness. This pleasant state of deep relaxation is the goal of soundhealing. This is really about the deeper experience of relaxation, which is unknown to many people until then.
The effects of the vibrations on the physical body are even more subtle. Thus, during a soundhealing massage the Monochord is placed on the clothed body, therefore it moves the energy field or aura of the human being. Deep experiences of one's inner self are not rare during the massage. Basic trust, security and being sheltered are experiences that people remember and felt during a soundhealing journey. The sound vibrations are very effective due to the beautiful overtone tones of the instruments. Already the sounds in itself make the soul swing.